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The purpose of the walk through is to present a list of selectable options and the rights you have based on your choices from the selections provided. A PDF detailing all steps of this walk through is available below.

The Offender is Serving Time in State Prison

State sentence served in a state facility:

The Department of Corrections (DOC) houses state-sentenced inmates in 27 State Correctional Institutions (SCI). While in DOC custody, inmates follow a daily schedule at the prison. This includes scheduled time to eat and scheduled time to attend school, work or treatment programs. For more information about prison rules and daily life, please see “FAQs about DOC Inmates while in State Correctional Institutions” on the Office of the Victim Advocate’s web site at under the "Information and Victim Rights" section.
Diagnostic and Classification
While incarcerated in the DOC, inmates are prescribed a treatment program, based on several evaluations done during the diagnostic and classification process. A Correctional Plan is developed to address treatment needs. Inmates are prescribed treatment programs to participate in during their incarceration. An inmate who has not received a high school diploma or a GED will be mandated to participate in GED classes.
The diagnostic and classification process lasts approximately four to six weeks. Male inmates will be transferred to another SCI after their classification process has been completed at SCI-Camp Hill. However, SCI-Camp Hill also houses general population inmates. This means that after the classification process, the inmates could be located in another part of SCI-Camp Hill to serve their sentence.
Female inmates will either remain at SCI-Muncy or will be transferred to SCI-Cambridge Springs to begin serving their sentence. To learn more about the SCI's and their locations, please visit the Department of Corrections web site at and click on "Institutions" on the left hand side.
Inmates can be transferred to another state prison at any time and for various reasons. They also can be transferred to a county prison if they are scheduled to appear in county court. After they are finished with their court appearances, they will be transferred back to the state prison to continue to serve their sentence.


Notification About Offenders (Including PA SAVIN)

Boot Camp

State Intermediate Punishment

Capital Punishment
